Bith.AI [Ghost] - Turn text into engagingly narrated videos.  | Product Hunt

Create Content Effortlessly with
AI Magic

Transform Your Ideas into Engaging Videos, Images, and More in Seconds

Bith Video Editor

Your Complete Creative Suite

Unlock limitless possibilities with our intuitive platform, designed to simplify your video editing journey. Resize your video dimensions, effortlessly add subtitles using AI, and seamlessly incorporate images, videos, audio, and GIFs with just a few clicks.

Pick a plan that works for you!

whether you a newbie as a content creator or a pro one, we have a perfect plan for you

The Credit System

whether you a newbie as a content creator or a pro one, we have a perfect plan for you

60 Credits
30 sec.
1 min.
2 min.
3 min.
80 Credits
5 Seconds
20 Credits
One Image
30 Credits
1,000 Characters
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